ACT Tuition provides one-to-one online and in-home sessions, together with online small group sessions to concentrate on learning a syllabus, focus on any misunderstandings or questions a pupil has and moreover, grow more confident. Students will gain confidence, enjoy the subject more and be motivated to develop personal discipline to become life-long learners. ACT Tuition Courses are ideal if you wish to make significant progress in a very short time, or if you wish to focus on a specific area of skills or topic.
ACT Tuition offers classes, both in home and online, in most subjects and all levels, through winter and summer. We can help you obtain the best possible results through our guidance and help in revising the topics, working through past papers and learning how to study the key topics of the subject.
Our Process
Since our inception, our process has consistently delivered remarkable results.
Tutor is very supportive and understanding. She excellent in teaching and knows her job. Tutor is the best and we are so happy that she teaches Luana. Thank you so much for your team efficiency and help. So proud of you. Keep up the good work.
Ava has really appreciated her nice, friendly and very skilled tutor. She saw also her grades rise and her confidence gain more momentum.
Great service! Great tutor!
Aaron is very comfortable with the tutor. She has helped me immensely.
Quality tutoring. Thank you for all of the help!
Diego's marks have improved. Thank you for all of the help!